
Wednesday, April 29, 2009


hahaha i've been so so busy recently, stupid acct -.- struggle hard for thisss. i wonder who the hell created this subject, okla frank saying it's quite useful in future.

anyway, i'll be free after next tues!!! date me XD, entertainment hilang for very long alrdy..everyday acct, i dunno why i had the thought of taking accounting course at the beginning, luckily i didn't -.- and i think i hilangkan diri from here oso dam long alrdy =p and oklor so i am guilty i am back.

friends my birthday is over now and thanks for all the wishes~ i had a very simple birthday lunch and a lil surprise from the loved one..my mom desu. hehehe..thx mi~

heres my birthday cake..
half way eating alrdy then only i rmb to take picture. haha

and a very big thank you to my friends!!! for the music box, thx thx, lei dei zan hai sai sam, hmm koi sai~~~

okla off to study d, miss me k? hehehe


Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Short One

It's surprising that there's NOBODY that writes ANYTHING here. Lolz..

Been suffering from the HFMD, and im so happy now cause i can EAT and not just drinking the whole day. hehe..

Have somehting to share with, i saw this sentence thru my fren's msn personal message.

Never explain, cause people who loves you wouldn't need it.
And people dislike you wouldn't believe it.

How, make sense right?

Just woke up and had my brunch, now heading for a bath^^

Happy holiday dearS!!


Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The toughest child I've ever met.

I was working at Gurney Plaza the other day. It was about promoting the "mini-Ferrari" from Shell Petrol, besides targeting at the V3 (velocita 3) collectors/freaks, we also target on the children.

And to my surprise, children nowadays are so smart. Unlike the other day, when I was still a child, I guess I was extremely innocent and brainless I would say. Playing with those little toys and dolls, compared to the children now, they are dealing with PSP and even cellphones. Cool!

I don't really know whether it's good for their health. But that's the trend..

Alright, that wasn't what i wanted to share. As I said just now, we're targeting on both adult and children, and for me, children's roll were just to be the one who 'bring in' the 'opportunity' for me to 'approach' the customers. Yet, I was very wrong.

I thought they wouldn't understand what's the promotion for, but in fact. They do.

Met couples of boys that asked me some shocking question, they are even smarter than the adults!!

1. What I'll have to do to buy the mini cars?
2. What the petrol card can do to me? / What's the usage of the card?
3. How much is the amount of money consist inside the card? How to use that? With password?
4. Alright... So do the petrol card has a due date?

Can you see that?? New generation!! Fulamakk.. Cause I had came across customers that lost the PIN code which is written inside the envelope. They took the card and throw the papers away.. Pity... LOL! And there was one, the customer told me he forgot to use the petrol card, he bought it at the roadshow last year for V2 =.=... I totally speechless!

I even found out that children understand what I am talking about much more faster compared to the adults/parents! Is this what we called it ---> communication gap?? Haha!

One more incident, that made me felt guilty of that, and that's really what i wanted to talk about, is about a cute lil chubby boy.

It was like:

Kaka: Hi boy, what are u looking for?
Boy: Ya, I wanted to ask u how am i going to play that game?
(****we have a stimulator at the roadshow, like a F1 car stuff***)
Kaka: Oh, u have to buy 2 packs of the Power Pack in order to play that.
Boy: Arghh... So u mean i need to buy the cars? How much?
(****so I have a friend that already started to expalining to the boy..
Guessing that he might not understand with the pricing stuff, I said****)
Kaka: Boy, why not u ask your daddy to come over and I'll expalin to him everything that u wanted to know.

And what's up next????? I suppose neither one of us would want this to be the answer.

Boy: My daddy divorced already lor~
(****then keep on asking questions to my fren which is expalining to him just now****)

Seriously, for a few seconds me and the fren was stunned. And when the time I realize, the ONLY word that came out from my mouth is only a SORRY.

Well, the boy is tough, wondering his age?
Ha! Fren i tell you.. He is just around the age of 10.. I guess is 8.
And he didnt even seem like care with my question and my apology.

Sigh... Frankly speaking, I consider myself born in a happy family. Thanks God. And I dont really feel the hardness and agony a child (with only a papa/mama) have to go through. What I know, is it's tough, how tough? I don't know.

Pray for them, all of the people who lost their mom/dad, or those who grown up lacking of their parent's love. May God shower u with His blessings.

Just a little sharing, and it's time to bed again.. Take it as a bed time story! lolz.. g9 dudes! =]


Monday, April 6, 2009


上上个星期六 (280309)我们去了太平清明祖坟。。加加买买。。全家总动员。。共有33人。。wohoo~~~而且还有一些家人没来哦。。三姑,四姑没到。。还有 johor 的二伯因为旧病复发进医院检查不能到。。不过总的来说,还挺热闹的。。下面有一些照片跟大家分享。。因为是坟场的照片。。希望大家别在意哦~~呵呵。。





这个是我发现,很妙的东西。。看。。那些纸扎品有多想真品。。我第一眼没注意时,还以为是真的le..那罐 teapot brand 的炼奶。。好像哦。。^^

在同一个山庄我们总共拜了四个祖坟,爷爷,婆婆,曾祖母 还有六叔。。拜六叔时,六婶和二婆婆(我爷爷有两房妻子)哭得好惨。。因为我叔叔是车祸去世的。。太突然,大家都没有心理准备。。虽然事情已经过了4~5 年。。但还是放不下。。毕竟他走时才30~岁。。

离开坟场时大约11点多。。我们就到太平蛮出名的“百龄茶餐厅“ 吃午餐。。那里的沙煲海鲜粥很出名。。还有板面也超棒。。可怜的卡卡。。没得吃最爱的板面。。kiek kiek~~



这座山是太平有名的 “咖啡山” (Maxwell Hill)。。

听老爸说,好像要建上山的cable car。。hng。。政府说的话,听爽就好ho~~
太平山(Maxwell Hill / Bukit Larut)

太 平山位于宾登山脉南麓,原称为拿律山,山峰最高海拔1034公尺。为马来西亚第一处高原度假胜地,曾经是英国人种植咖啡和茶叶的园地,故也被当地华人称为 “咖啡山”。现山上依然保留有度假屋,可供旅游者过宿。由于上山路陡峭,不适合普通的汽车通行,游客上山必须乘坐管理当局提供的登山吉普车,山脚下有停车 场可供车辆停放。喜爱徒步登山者,可以选择沿登山公路登山,也可以选用丛林小径登山。茶园是太平山的山间台地,这里设有小商店、公园及管理中心等公共设 施,从茶园这里,可鸟瞰山下的太平市,也可以瞭望远处的马六甲海峡。


老妈,老弟,老爸的 “倩影”。。呵呵。。要走过对面拿车回家咯~~
