I went for a ride with sis and my niece yesterday. U know places that ulu-ulu one sure have a lot of stray dogs and cats.
So this is how we met him/her at the road. Half way 'dou feng' we met a gang of puppies
(i guess it's 7 doggie) at the road side. And im glad that people that need to drive thru them didn't honk at thm, they're innocent! Maybe they dont even know what is those stuffs with 4 round round thing as well. ahhaha
Phone wasn't with me that time, so i couldn't actually snap a photo of all the puppies... They are CUTE!!!!!~ <3
Ma sis and i being pet lover started to feel 'itchy' to have pets again. HAhahaa so we went home and ask for parent's opinion. And i guess they need a dog too lar in fact.
I hope i wasn't being cruel to seperate the lovely puppy with his/her siblings.. But we just afford to take care only one of them... T___T yuan liang wo other gou gou~~
Ok he/she needs to go for vet. There's a lot of tickles on his/her body... Siu Siu harr.... (=^^=)
P/s: we havent name it yet, and i dont even know it is a he or she. hahaha.. I dont knw hw i score my biology last time =p-ka-