countdown: 5 more days for my parents to be home. miss'em so muchhhhhhhh T__T
it is soooooooo dam BORED without them at home!!
my darling LEE TZE LIN has came back to penang! omg miss her so much and finally she's here~
okay she came to my home as her mom remind her when they're fin praying in kek lok si, this lady.. -.- its ok, knew her very well with her GREAT sense of direction.
p/s my home is just somewhere near to the kek lok si temple.
we chit-chatted and watch tv for a while then go for our lunch.
when we're home again, this lady suggested me to watch horror movie and i found the movie titled 'the shutter' (don't know whether i spelled it correctly bcoz i dare not take out the DVD and check, the cover reminds me about the ghost -.-).
For those who knew us well, they'll know that the way we watch horror movie is unique. hahahaha because we tend to cover our eyes when it reached the scary part..and we'll grab anything beside us to cover our eyes, not full cover, just to minimized our vision for almost the whole movie so that when it reach the scary part, we manage to cover our eyes faster. so we did the same thing when we watch this movie.
''chui pui thia'' (hokkien)
In the middle of the movie, this cha boh, the art student from The One Acedemy started to get bored with the same way of the movie and suddenly became so brave to watch the ghost with uncovered eyes..and criticized the graphic and make up of the ghost -.- wtf
At night, we went out for our dinner at Greenlane McD. While waiting for her parents to fetch her after dinner, we took some pictures.
later we'll meet up and have lunch together with phoebe and jolynn as well..XD
going to college now, bye!
u have so many dear =.=
hahaha i can imagine how u guys watch that
y'all de zhao pai dong zuo. wakakka....
tse ling really pretty jor.
haha,,, ya2 ask her to come and read this comment she's gonna love me
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